semtem 发表于 2011-12-17 17:57:58






2.There are 2 ways to overcome drift issue
(1) Software correction : This is very tradtional way. But whenever you change position, offset , scan size or scan angle,you need time to let Piezo back to stable state. The better way is to change parameter slowly. Not to change too much by once.
(2) Close loop control by hardware. There are many ways to do this. Mechanical, Opto and Capactaniance. Capactance is the best way. For example
Veeco-Topo : Mechanical
Veeco-PSI (CPR or CPII) : Optical
Veeco NanoMan : Capactance.
If you have AFM noe and hope to upgrade, you can ask makers to do this. But they ask for very high price. Basicaly they do not care existed customers. The other ways is to do it by yourself. There is an companies can do this for Veeco D3100 and MMAFM. They also can do others. If you really need to do this.
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查看完整版本: 原子力显微镜中降低漂移、定位不准现象的技术