taketosky 发表于 2012-1-12 17:53:08

南洋理工大学的能源研究所 (ERI@N ) 招聘两个研发工程 ...

南洋理工大学的能源研究所 (ERI@N ) 招聘两个研发工程师 (research engineer)。有一到两年工作经验的硕士或者本科毕业生均可(学校不要太柴哦)。以后有机会读在职博士。感兴趣的朋友可以将简历(英文)发到chezwj@gmail.com 非中介。要求如下:

Research Engineer 1

Role:Responsible for developmentof controller for fuel cell stackResponsibilities:

Design, development, and implementation ofcontrol systems for fuel cell stack.

Job scope includes:
Circuit design and analysis Design of system architecture Root cause analysis and   troubleshooting of failed components Development and execution of   test plans for fuel cell stack system Procurement and integration of   fuel cell stack, battery and ultra-capacitor system components Development of battery and   ultra-capacitor management algorithms Documentation of development   process


The applicant should have 1 to 2 years of workingexperience with recognized university degree in electronic/electricalengineering.The applicant should alsohave strong analytical skill and hands-on capability.

Applicants with knowledge and experience in programming languages such as Visual Basic, Visual C++,CoDeSys will have advantages.

Research Engineer2

Role: Developmentof key materials for fuel cell stack


Design, development, andimplementation of key materials for PEM fuel cell stack
Design, synthesis, and   characterization of electrode catalystsTreatment and modification of   carbon materialsPreparation and   characterization of electrodes, carbon papers, electrode-membrane assemblyCarry out the single cell   testing and fuel cell stack measurement


The applicant should have 1 to 2 years of workingexperience with recognized university degree in chemical/materialsengineering.The applicant should alsohave strong analytical skill and hands-on capability.

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