seemewhy 发表于 2012-1-21 11:06:25

Ph.D. position open in the research field of organic field-effect transistors

Ph.D. position open in the research field of organic field-effect transistors and related opto- and nanoelectronic devices The Synthetic Chemistry department of Prof. Klaus Müllen in the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz, Germany, offers a Ph.D. position. The research work is focused on the following areas: organic field-effect transistors and related opto- and nanoelectronic devices, supramolecular organization, liquid crystalline materials, novel processing methods of organic semiconductors. The project has a strong interdisciplinary character and contains a broad spectrum of modern characterization techniques, e.g. conductivity measurements in glovebox conditions, X-ray diffractometry, electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, etc. Therefore, the applicant should possess sound understanding in material science and physical chemistry and should also have excellent communication skills in English.
For further details: Dr. Wojciech Pisula, e-mail:
Detailed information and submission of applications:
Professor Dr. Klaus Müllen
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research
Ackermannweg 10
55128 Mainz, Germany
Tel.: +49(0)6131-379150, Fax: +49(0)6131-379350,

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