seemewhy 发表于 2012-1-21 11:10:27

Open positions in the Polymer Physics department of Prof. Hans-Jürgen Butt

本帖最后由 seemewhy 于 2012-1-21 11:12 编辑

Open positions in the Polymer Physics department of Prof. Hans-Jürgen ButtJob Opportunities

The Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz, Germany, is one of the world leading research laboratories in the field of soft matter, with special focus on macromolecular materials. Using modern equipment and methods, more than 400 scientists and technicians work on fundamental questions of innovative and functional materials. In the department Physics of Polymers we offer

PhD positions

The Max Planck Institute offers its PhD students a broad range of experimental methods, techniques, and specialized courses. The good technical equipment and the intense supervision allow obtaining a PhD within a relatively short time-frame. You will work in an international environment and in collaboration with international partners. We expect you to have finished your university studies in physics, chemistry or a neighbouring field with an above-average Master, German Diplom, or equivalent. We are looking for experimentalists with a strong sense for theoretical questions and interdisciplinary research. The Max Planck Society is an Equal Opportunity employer. Women and physically handi-capped persons are encouraged to apply. In case you are interested, please send your application including the usual documents (letter of motivation, curriculum vitæ, and relevant certificates) to: Prof. Hans-Jürgen Butt
Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung
Postfach 3148
55021 Mainz

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