PHD Position:马德里自治大学&马德里纳米科学研究所联合招收超高密度三维磁 存储研究方向 PHD(该项目也非常欢迎中国学生通过留学基金委CSC申请)概要:
(1)PHD 课题项目:用于下一代硬盘存储的超高密度三维磁存储: 利用微纳加工技术制造 二维有序纳米点阵,在此结构上沉积多层磁性金属材料,构建在三维尺度上可读写的超高密度三维磁存储介质.
(2)物理、化学或材料工程背景。 This project will require a good knowledge of
thin film magnetism and magnetic materials. Instrumentation skills and a
dedication to developing novel, high quality measurements and data analysis
techniques will be particularly important for the success of the project.
联系人:Dr. Feng Luo: feng.luo@imdea.org
2、关于此PHD position:
(1)PHD PROJECT: Multilevel magnetic recording in bit patterned media for areal
densities above 5 Terabit-per-square-inch.
(2)PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The vision of this project aims at designing,
fabricating and testing perpendicular magnetic storage media with areal
densities in excess of 5 Tbit/in2 using multilevel recording technology. This
technique will be based on Bit Patterned Media (BPM) using Fe(Co)Pt(Pd)-based
exchange-spring and/or graded media as each individual recording layer and
nanopatterned media produced by a number of nanolithographic techniques.
(3)TOOLS AND EUIPMENTS TO BE LEARNED AND USED: IMDEA具备非常齐备与先进的表面科学、纳米磁学方面的设备和仪器。研究所的微纳加工中心与高分辨电镜中心拥有完备的设备。
The magnetic media will be fabricated with MBE, sputtering and PLD methods.
Statistic and dynamic magnetic switching properties of the multilevel recording
media in each magnetically decoupled layer will be characterized by different
techniques such as magnetic force microscopy (MFM), scanning transmission x-ray
microscopy (STXM) and magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) and will be underpinned by micro-magnetic modeling. In addition, the recording performance will beinvestigated and screened by state-of-the art write/read testing and probe
(5)国际会议与国际交流资助:每年至少两次的国际学术会议与国际交流。包括与美国 UCSD、瑞士PSI, 英国Manchester University以及德国大学和研究所的交流合作。
马德里自治大学(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,UAM)其历史可追溯于1836年,是西班牙最大的公立高等学府。UAM的物理系和化学系在西班牙具有首屈一指的学术地位,在欧洲具有很好的学术声誉。
其官方网站 www.uam.edu 以英文和西班牙文方式提供对其各科系的详尽介绍。
马德里纳米科学研究所(IMDEA)成立于2007年,是由马德里自治区政府与西班牙教育部联合资助成立的公立研究所。作为西班牙精英大学与研究机构联盟International Excellence UAM-CSIC Campus 成员之一,IMDEA在表面科学、纳米技术、磁电子学等方面在国际上享有盛望,具有很强的国际竞争力和学术声望。
Professor: Dr. Rodolfo Miranda。IMDEA所所长,美国物理协会Fellow, the Chair
Professor of UAM. Prof. Rodolfo Miranda, is Fellow of the American Physical
Society (2008) and other honours include Membership of the Surface Science
Division Committee IUVSTA (October 1989- October 1992), of the Advisory Board atthe Max Planck Institute für Mikrostrur Physik, Halle (1993-2003), and the
Spanish representative in the Scientific Advisory Committee of the European
Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) at Grenoble (July 1988-January 1991). He
is also a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Probe Microscopy. Prof.
Miranda has published more than 200 scientific articles, more than 4700 times
cited and his h-index is 41. He has been director of 40 doctoral thesis and 14
postdoctoral research works.