法国CEA Saclay招收物理或材料背景博士生或博后
地点在巴黎南郊的Gif-sur-Yvette, CEA(法国原子能委员会)的Saclay研究所,科研实力雄厚,现在有两个课题,希望招收CSC资助的学生(他们每年只有一个法国政府资助的名额,但是课题比较多,所以希望找到带财政资助的学生),课题具体情况如下:课题一:«
Magnetic Supported Nanocrystals for Spintronics »
Research topics: Nanosciences, surfaces and interfaces, magnetism
Projects summary: The storage density of computer hard drives is growing so rapidly that for new computer drive generations not only optimized materials are needed but also new concepts fordata storage. New concepts for magnetic storage media have to be found. This project will consist in growing and characterizing using scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) shape-selected magnetic nanocrystals on surfaces. Due to the sensitive interrelation of magnetism and the atomic structure of these magnetic blocks, any induced nanostructure modification will result in changes of the magnetism. The ability to tailor nanocrystal size, composition, structure, shape and position will permit to tune magnetism at the atomic scale. The objective will be to design and produce new high density magnetic nanoarchitectures having gigantic magnetic performance, i.e., huge magnetostatic energy stored and a high blocking temperature. This research therefore has the potential to make a considerable impact on the high density data storage industry. This experimental work will be realised in
close collaboration with a theory group (magnetism modelling).
Techniques: Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) in ultra high vacuum (UHV)
Spin-polarized scanning tunnelling spectroscopy
Growth in ultra high vacuum
Synchrotron measurement
Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM)
« Self-organized organic nanoarchitectures for spintronics »
Research topics: Nanosciences, surfaces and interfaces, magnetism
Projects summary: Intense research effort is focusing on engineering new magnetic organic
nanoarchitectures on surfaces for applications in spintronics. The utilisation of spins localized in magnetic molecule for developing molecular spintronic devices requires a precise characterisation of molecule electronic and magnetic properties. It is crucial to unveil the coupling of the molecular spin with molecular environment, i.e.
the substrate and molecular neighbours, and the resulting influence on their magnetic properties. The objective of this PhD project is to investigate the self-organisation of new magnetic molecules on surfaces and elucidate how the magnetic properties of the organic nanoarchitecture are influenced by the organic layer structure and the molecule electronic properties. Molecules will be deposited on metal surfaces in ultra high vacuum and their electronic and magnetic properties will be probed locally using scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS), see Fig.1, as well as spin-polarized-STM at low temperature. This experimental work will be
realised in close collaboration with chemistry groups (molecule synthesis) and a theory group (magnetism modelling).
Techniques: Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) in ultra high vacuum (UHV)
Spin-polarized scanning tunnelling spectroscopy
Growth in ultra high vacuum
Synchrotron measurement
Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM)
导师是法国人,Dr Fabien SILLY
Tel : 01 69 08 80 19
CEA Saclay / DSM / IRAMIS / SPCSI, HyMN, Bat.462
F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France,