PhD position: Fabricating 3-dimensional Ge quantum dot crystals
PhD position: Fabricating 3-dimensional Ge quantum dot crystalsAdvertising institute: PGI-9 - Semiconductor Nanoelectronics
Reference number: D047/2012, Physics, material science
The Peter Grünberg Institut 9 (PGI-9) of Forschungszentrum Jülich and Chair for Technology of Optical Systems of RWTH Aachen University (RWTH-TOS) are offering a PhD position for fabricating 3-dimensional Ge quantum dot crystalsbased on extreme ultraviolet interference lithography and molecular-beam epitaxy.
Quantum dots (QDs) or “artificial atoms” based on Si/Ge heterosystem are highly interesting objects with unique electronic and optical properties. Creating a dense and well-ordered array of these structures allows the realisation of a novel type of solid matter - “artificial crystals” - with energy band distributions not existing in nature . This project deals with the realisation of artificial three-dimensional Ge quantum dot crystals (QDCs) fabricated by means of extreme ultraviolet interference lithography (XIL) and molecular–beam epitaxy (MBE).
Job description:
We are looking for a Ph.D. student to realize 3D Ge quantum dot crystals grown on patterned Si substrates. The substrates are templated by extreme ultraviolet interference lithography in a novel stand-alone XIL system in Aachen, which was developed at RWTH-TOS . Subsequently, the candidate will use these templated substrates to deposit the Ge QD crystals by molecular beam epitaxy in Jülich. The candidate will further characterize the structural, optical, and transport properties of the QDCs, using the research facilities at the Forschungszentrum Jülich.
D. Grützmacher et al., Nano Lett., 7, 3150 (2007)
K. Bergmann et al., J. Appl. Phys. 106, 073309 (2009)
Your profile:
The candidate should have:
[*]Master's degree in physics or material science, preferably with a solid background in condensed matter physics
[*]Experience in processing and growth of semiconductors will be an advantage.
[*]Strong scientific communications and presentation skills
[*]Well-structured and systematic research approach, experimental skills
What we offer:
[*]Beyond state-of-the-art research in a friendly international team
[*]Opportunity to work on a completely unique lithography system with ultra-high resolution
[*]A cooperative work environment in two dynamical institutes.
[*]A well-equipped research infrastructure
[*]Possibilities to attend national and international conferences
We invite interested candidates to send your application including a CV, copies of exams, degrees and grades, a copy of your Master thesis (or a draft thereof), published articles or other relevant material such as letter(s) of recommendation to Dr. Gregor Mussler (email:
For further information please contact Dr. Mussler or visit the websites at and .