LEELAB is currently opening two PhD degree positions in the areas of;Biology (Drug Delivery of Nanoparticles)
Physics (Experimental Optics)
... Chemistry (Electrochemical Analysis)
Material Science (Nanoparticle Synthesis and Characterization)
The applicant should have a master degree (or considerable experimental experience) in science and engineering fields, and language skill (English is required, Korean is optional only for personal living in Korea).
Full scholarship and stipend will be granted to all selected candidates. Dormitory will be available to international or married candidates.
LEELAB is a rising-up laboratory with well-equipped facility. Currently, we have 6 PhD and 1 Master students from China(3), Vietnam(1), Bangladesh(1), and Korea(2). Annually, LEELAB publishes 10~20 papers under 3~5 national research grants (lab publication list, http://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=vTHzFWAAAAAJ) and was given three Research Excellence Awards last five years in the College of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
Pusan National University (PNU) is ranked 1st National, 9th research-orientated, and 6th Engineering Research performance University in Korea.