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二、光学工程  调剂原则
性    别:男                   学历学位:理学博士
职    称:教 授                职    务:无机非金属材料研究所所长
林海,男,理学博士后,日本京都大学客座教授,中国硅酸盐学会特玻分会和溶胶-凝胶分会理事。1999年和2001年先后在香港城市大学电子工程系光电子研究中心和美国亚利桑那大学光学中心开展稀土光学放大器玻璃和高功率激光玻璃的博士后研究工作,试制成功多种稀土氧化物玻璃,并对这些稀土玻璃材料的光学和发光学特性进行了系统的研究。2003年底回国后,主要从事稀土光电子薄膜、低声子能量氧化物玻璃和高增益光通讯放大器的制备和研究工作,先后承担辽宁省科技厅、辽宁省教育厅、大连市科委和国家教育部课题多项。2005年12月,应日本国立京都大学的邀请,以客座教授身份开展为期半年的科研攻关合作,研究方向是与欧美竞争的新型LED蓝白光转换材料。2007年8月、2008年3月、2009年3月和2010年6月先后四次应香港城市大学的邀请,以高级访问学者身份参与高增益系数光学波导和特殊波段光纤通讯放大器的研制工作,在锗酸盐玻璃基底上通过热离子交换法制备出集成光波导器件,并拉制出稀土掺杂磷酸盐和锗碲酸盐玻璃光纤。在美国、日本、中国香港三所大学的通力协作下,以大连工业大学为第一作者单位,已有60余篇SCI收录论文发表在Appl. Phys. Lett., Opt. Express, Opt. Lett., J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, J. Appl. Phys.等国际学术期刊上,论文被国内外同行他引500余次。
1. W.H. Lei, B.J. Chen, X.L. Zhang, E.Y.B. Pun, H. Lin (通讯作者). Optical evaluation on Nd3+-doped phosphate glasses for O-band amplification. Appl. Opt. 50, (2011) 835-841.
2. B. Zhou, H. Lin, B.J. Chen, E.Y.B. Pun. Superbroadband near-infrared emission in Tm-Bi codoped sodium-germanium-gallate glasses. Opt. Express 19, (2011) 6514-6523.
3. R.T. Zhao, W.H. Liu, J. Zhang, E.Y.B. Pun, H. Lin (通讯作者). Optical path design and evaluation in Tm3+doped glass channel waveguide for S-band amplification. Opt. Lasers Eng. 49, (2011) 52-56.
4. D.L. Yang, H. Gong, E.Y.B. Pun, H. Lin (通讯作者). Rare-earth ions doped heavy metal germanium tellurite glasses for fiber lighting in minimally invasive surgery. Opt. Express 18, (2010) 18997-19008.
5. B. Zhou, H. Lin, E.Y.B. Pun. Tm3+-doped tellurite glasses for fiber amplifiers in broadband optical communication at 1.20 μm wavelength region. Opt. Express 18, (2010) 18805-18810.
6. B. Zhou, H. Lin, D.L. Yang, E.Y.B. Pun. Emission of 1.38mm and gain properties from Ho3+-doped low-phonon-energy gallate bismuth lead oxide glasses for fiber-optic amplifiers. Opt. Lett. 35, (2010) 211-213.
7. H. Gong, L.Lin, X. Zhao, E.Y.B. Pun, D.L. Yang, H. Lin (通讯作者). Mixing up-conversion excitation behaviors in Er3+/Yb3+-codoped aluminum germanate glasses for visible waveguide devices. J. Alloys Compd. 503, (2010) 133-137.
8. D.L. Yang, E.Y.B. Pun, N.Q. Wang, H. Lin (通讯作者). Radiation and gain behaviors in Tm3+-doped aluminum germanate substrate glasses and thermal ion-exchanged waveguide. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 26, (2010) 990-996.
9. J. Zhang, D.L. Yang, E.Y.B. Pun, H. Gong, H. Lin (通讯作者). Optical evaluation of multichannel radiative transitions originating from 4G5/2 level of Sm3+ in heavy-metal-gallate glasses. J. Appl. Phys. 107, (2010) 123111.
10. D.L. Yang, J. Zhang, E.Y.B. Pun, H. Lin (通讯作者). K+Na+ ion-exchanged sodium magnesium aluminum germanate glass waveguide amplifier operating in the first telecommunications window. J. Appl. Phys. 108, (2010) 116101.
11. D.L. Yang, E.Y.B. Pun, H. Lin (通讯作者). Tm3+-doped ion-exchanged aluminum germanate glass waveguide for S-band amplification. Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, (2009) 151106.
12. B.J. Chen, E.Y.B. Pun, H. Lin (通讯作者). Photoluminescence and spectral parameters of Eu3+ in sodiumaluminumtellurite ceramics. J. Alloys Compd. 503, (2009) 352-356.
13. B.J. Chen, L.Lin, X.J. Li, E.Y.B. Pun, H. Lin (通讯作者). Optical properties of Eu3+ in transparent YTiO nanocrystallized solgel film. J. Alloys Compd. 485, (2009) L5-L8.
14. D.L. Yang, E.Y.B. Pun, B.J. Chen, H. Lin (通讯作者). Radiative transitions and optical gains in Er3+/Yb3+codoped acid-resistant ion exchanged germanate glass channel waveguides. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 26, (2009) 357363.
15. L.X. Sun, H. Gong, B.J. Chen, H. Lin (通讯作者), E.Y.B. Pun. Multicolor upconversion and color tunability in Tm3+/Ho3+/Yb3+ doped opaque aluminum tellurite ceramics. J. Appl. Phys. 105, (2009) 106109.
16. H. Lin (通讯作者), E.Y.B. Pun, B.J. Chen, Y.Y. Zhang. Rare-earth ion doped lead- and cadmium-free bismuthate glasses. J. Appl. Phys. 106, (2008) 103105.
17. H. Lin (通讯作者), X.Y. Wang, C.M. Li, H.X. Yang, E.Y.B. Pun, S. Tanabe. Near-infrared emissions and quantum efficiencies in Tm3+-doped heavy metal gallate glasses for S- and U-band amplifiers and 1.8 mm infrared laser. J. Lumin. 128, (2008) 74-80.
18. H. Lin (通讯作者), X.Y. Wang, L. Lin, C.M. Li, D.L. Yang, S. Tanabe. Near-infrared emissions character of Tm3+-doped heavy metal tellurite glasses for optical amplifiers and 1.8μm infrared laser. J.Phys.D:Appl.Phys. 40, (2007) 3567-3572.
19. X.Y. Wang, H. Lin (通讯作者), D.L. Yang. Optical transitions and upconversion fluorescence in Ho3+/Yb3+doped bismuth tellurite glasses. J. Appl. Phys. 101, (2007) 113535.
20. H. Lin (通讯作者), X.Y. Wang, L. Lin, D.L. Yang, T.K. Xu, J.Y. Yu, E.Y.B. Pun. Spectral parameters and visible fluorescence of Sm3+ in alkali-barium-bismuth-
tellurite glass with high refractive index. J. Lumin. 116, (2006) 139-144.

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