计算材料线上研讨会(Computational Materials Online Seminar, CMOS)是一个以交流为目的非营利性的国际学术会议,以“开拓计算研究,促进材料发展”为宗旨,致力于服务从事计算材料研究的国内外相关人员,科学家和工程师。其涵盖的范围不仅包括材料学科,还包括物理、化学、生物、数学和工程等交叉领域。
CMOS 2017持续征集专题组织者(在线申请:http://cn.mikecrm.com/82fr4bh)、接收报告人提交摘要(在线投递:http://cn.mikecrm.com/1olN3s6),如果您希望开展某一专题研讨或成为报告人,申请提交后我们会尽快与您取得联系。
<报告人及课题组介绍> 冯天力,2011年毕业于中国科学技术大学物理系,于2013和2017年分别拿到普渡大学机械工程系的硕士和博士学位。主要研究方向是纳米尺度热传导:声子传输的分子动力学和第一性原理的预测。已发表论文14篇,引用次数200+。2017年开始在美国橡树岭国家实验室做博士后工作。
联系邮箱: Tianli.feng2011@gmail.com
报告摘要:Two atomic level simulation methods, i.e., first principles perturbation theory and molecular dynamics (MD), are employed and advanced to address the fundamental as well as emerging questions of thermal transport in a broad range of materials.
The first question that has been persisted for a long time is: what is the role of higher order four-phonon scattering in limiting the accuracy of the first principles thermal conductivity prediction? We will take diamond, silicon and boron arsenide (BAs) to demonstrate the importance of four-phonon scattering. In a previous work, BAs has been predicted to have a higher thermal conductivity than the known best heat conductor, diamond. Is that true?
The second question is: down to nano scale, do the phonons at the same location have the same temperature in a steady-state heat flow? Using non-equilibrium molecular dynamics, we directly extract the spectral phonon temperature and observed the local thermal nonequilibrium between the ballistic and diffusive phonons. Such nonequilibrium also generally exists across interfaces and is surprisingly large. Together with heat flux decomposition method, our method is developed for a broad application, and is expected to probe the phonon transport in a variety of nanomaterials such as thermal diodes, thermal interface materials, coherent phononic metamaterials, etc.
冯天力 报告PPT-CMOS 2017 专题一:微纳米尺度传热(第1703期).pdf
(4.24 MB, 下载次数: 335)
冯天力 代表作论文-CMOS 2017 专题一:微纳米尺度传热(第1703期).zip
(13.6 MB, 下载次数: 841)
冯天力 推荐书籍及论文-CMOS 2017 专题一:微纳米尺度传热(第1703期).zip
(52.64 MB, 下载次数: 1116)
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