


标签: 化合物
Preface to the Sixth Edition
Since the fifthedition was published in 1996, a number of new developments have been made inthe field of infrared and Raman spectra of inorganic and coordination compounds.The sixth edition is intended to emphasize new important developments as wellas to catch up with the ever-increasing new literature. Major changes are describedbelow.
Part A.Chapter 1 (‘‘Theory of Normal Vibrations”) includes two new sections. Section1.24 explains the procedure for calculating vibrational frequencies on the basisof density functional theory (DFT). The DFT method is currently used almost routinelyto determine molecular structures and to calculate vibrational parameters. Section1.26 describes newdevelopments in matrix cocondensation techniques. More recently,a large number of novel inorganic and coordination compounds have been preparedby using this technique, and their structures have been determined and vibrationalassignments have been made on the basis of results of DFT calculations. Chapter2 (‘‘Applications in Inorganic Chemistry”) has been updated extensively, resultingin a total number of references of over 1800. In particular, sections on triangularX3-and tetrahedralX4-type molecules have been added as Secs. 2.2 and 2.5, respectively.In Sec. 2.8, the rotational–vibrational spectrum of the octahedral UF6 moleculeis shown to demonstrate how an extremely small metal isotope shift by 235U/238Usubstitution (only 0.6040 cm1) can be measured. Section 2.14 (‘‘Compounds ofCarbon”) has been expanded to show significant applications of vibrationalspectroscopy to the structural determination of fullerences, endohedral fullerenes,and carbon nanotubes. Vibrational data on a number of novel inorganic compoundsprepared most recently have been added throughout Chapter 2.
Part B.Chapter 3 (‘‘Applications in Coordination Chemistry”) contains two new Sections:Sec. 3.6 (‘‘Metallochlorins, Chlorophylls, and Metallophthalocyanines”) andSec. 3.19 (‘‘Complexes of Carbon Dioxide”). The total number of references has approached1700 because of substantial expansion of other sections such as Secs. 3.5, 3.18,3.20, 3.22, and 3.28. Chapter 4 (‘‘Applications in Organometallic Chemistry”) includesnew types of organometallic compounds obtained by matrix cocondensation techniques(Sec. 4.1). In Chapter 5 (‘‘Applications in Bioinorganic Chemistry”), a newsection (Sec. 5.4) has been added, and several sections such as Secs. 5.3, 5.7,and 5.9 have been expanded to include many important new developments.
I would liketo express my sincere thanks to all who helped me in preparing this edition.Special thanks go to Prof. E. L. Varetti (University of La Plata, Argentina), Prof.S. Guha (University of Missouri, Columbia), and Prof. L. Andrews (University ofVirginia) for their help in writing new sections in Chapter 1 of Part A. Mythanks also go to all the authors and publishers who gave me permission toreproduce their figures in this and previous editions. Finally, I would like tothank the staff of John Raynor Science Library of Marquette University fortheir help in collecting new references.
Milwaukee,Wisconsin                                              KAZUO NAKAMOTO

March 2008

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Infrared and Raman Spectra of Inoganic and Coordination Compounds—Part A.pdf

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