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四川省非金属复合与功能材料重点实验室‘’生物纳米复合材料课题组‘’隶属于西南科技大学(教育部与四川省共建高校,西部十四所高校之一,国家国防科技工业局与四川省共建高校),课题组成立于2007年,现有专职教师6人,研究生16人。目前,课题组在含能材料、仿生材料、纳米结构材料、炸药共晶等方面形成了稳定的研究方向。课题组与南京大学、中物院三所、西安近现代化学研究所、泸州北方化学工业有限公司等企事业单位建立了长期的合作关系。近五年来,在Nano Energy、Cellulose、Corrosion Science、Crystal Growth and Design等国际刊物发表SCI论文30篇,获得国防科工局、总装备部、NSAF等国家级项目十余项,年均到校经费约150万元。十三五期间(2016~2020年)课题组发展势头强劲,预期经费充足,将为各项科研工作的开展和研究生待遇提供切实的保证。
周勇 教授、博导 南京大学
聂福德 研究员、博导 中国工程物理研究院
赵凤起 研究员、博导 西安近现代化学研究所
李越 研究员、博导 中科院固体物理研究所
杨光成 副教授 中国工程物理研究院
裴重华 教授 peichonghua@swust.edu.cn 含能材料、纳米复合材料、仿生结构
段晓惠 教授 duanxiaohui@swust.edu.cn 炸药共晶、材料计算与模拟
罗庆平 副教授 luoqingping@swust.edu.cn 含能材料、纳米功能材料、
刘勋 副教授 liuxun@swust.ed.cn 纳米结构材料、仿生结构
周勇 教授 zhouyong1999@nju.edu.cn 光电材料、纳米材料
李越 研究员 yueli@issp.ac.cn 微/纳米结构阵列及其器件应用
赵凤起 研究员 npecc@163.com 固体推进剂技术、含能材料热化学
聂福德 研究员 纳米含能材料、纳米器件设计
http://www.clxy.swust.edu.cn/tra ... =580&typeid=246
5. XXXXXX研究,国防技术基础项目子项目。
1. Zheng Y, Li Z, Xu J, et al. Multi-channeled hierarchical porous carbon incorporated Co3O4 nanopillar arrays as 3D binder-free electrode for high performance supercapacitors. Nano Energy, 2016, 20: 94-107.
2. Xun Liu, Wenyuan Hu, Shan Yang, Zhaoqian Li, Chonghua Pei, Yong Zhou, Guanfu Yin,Severe corrosion of copper in a highly alkaline egg white solution due to a biuret corrosion reaction. CorrosionScience, 2015, 94:270-274.
3. Zhuanpei Wang, Yongjun Ma, Honglei He, Chonghua Pei, Ping He. A novel reusable nanocomposite: FeOOH/CBC and its adsorptive property for methyl orange. Applied SurfaceScience, 2015, 332: 456-462.
4. Qiang Liu, Yongjun Ma, XiaohuiDuan, Yong Zhou, Xunliu, Chonghua Pei. Controlled crystallization of lamellar calcium carbonate crystals induced by solution of sticky rice polysaccharide (from Oryza sativa). CrystEngComm, 2014, 16(48): 11042-11049.
5. Wenwen Zhang, QingpingLuo, XiaohuiDuan, Yong Zhou, Chonghua Pei. Nitrated graphene oxide and its catalytic activity in thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate. Materials Research Bulletin, 2014, 50: 73-78.
6. Luming Li, Yong Zhou, Zhaoqian Li, Yongjun Ma, Chonghua Pei. One step fabrication of Mn3O4/carbonated bacterial cellulose with excellent catalytic performance upon ammonium perchlorate decomposition. Materials Research Bulletin, 2014, 60: 802-807.
7. Lixia Wen, Yongjun Ma, Bo Dai, Yong Zhou, Jinsong Liu, Chonghua Pei. Preparation and dielectric properties of SiC nanowires self-sacrificially templated by carbonated bacterial cellulose, Materials Research Bulletin, 2013, 48: 687-690.
8. LinyuPu, Yongjun Ma, Wei Zhang, Hailong Hu, Yong Zhou, Qionglin Wang, Chonghua Pei. Simple method for the fluorinated functionalization of graphene oxide. RSC Advances, 2013, 3: 3881-3884.
9. Zhihang Jiang, Yongjun Ma, Yong Zhou, Shanglian Hu, Chaojiang Han, Chonghua Pei. Facile fabrication of three-dimensional mesoporousSi/SiC composites via one-step magnesiothermic reduction at relative low temperature. Materials Research Bulletin, 2013, 48: 4139-4145.
10. Xun Liu, Yongjun Ma, Yong Zhou, Chonghua Pei, Guangfu Yin. A promising hybrid scaffold material: Bacterial cellulose in-situ assembling biomimetic lamellar CaCO3.Materials Letters, 2013, 102: 91-93.
11. Xiao-Hui Duan, Hai-Li Yu, Jie Chen, Hong-Zhen Li. Dendrite growth of energetic material RDX. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2012, 351: 56-61.
12. Minting Luo, Yongjun Ma, Chonghua Pei, Yujing Xing, Lixia Wen, Li Zhang. Self-Organized synthesis and mechanism of SnO2@Carbon tube-core nanowire. Bulletin of the Korean ChemiclSocitey, 2012, 38: 2535-2538.
13. HaiLi Yu, XiaohuiDuan, Yongjun Ma, and Min Zeng. First-principle studies of Al-Li intermetallic compounds. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics. 2012, 25: 659-665.
14. Liang Zheng, Yanli Hu, Yongjun Ma,Yong Zhou, FudeNie, Xun Liu, Chonghua Pei. Egg-white-mediated crystallization of calcium carbonate. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2012,361: 217-224.
15. Chun-Xue Wei, Hui Huang, Xiao-HuiDuan, Chong-Hua Pei. Structures and properties prediction of HMX/TATB co-crystal. Propellants Explos. Pyrotech. 2011, 36: 416-423.
16. Falu Yang, Yongjun Ma, Yong Zhou, Chonghua Pei1, QingpingLuo, Min Zeng, Bo Dai. Egg-white templating of hierarchically macroporousarchitectures of SiO2, TiO2 and C/SiCNnanocables, and photocatalyticproperties. Current Nanoscience, 2011, 7: 1004-1008.
17. Jin PengShen, Xiao HuiDuan, Qing Ping Luo, Yong Zhou, Qiao Liang Bao, Yong Jun Ma, Chong Hua Pei. Preparation and characterization of a novel cocrystalexplosive. Crystal Growth & Design, 2011, 11: 1759-1765.