计算材料线上研讨会(Computational Materials Online Seminar, CMOS)是一个以交流为目的非营利性的国际学术会议,以“开拓计算研究,促进材料发展”为宗旨,致力于服务从事计算材料研究的国内外相关人员,科学家和工程师。其涵盖的范围不仅包括材料学科,还包括物理、化学、生物、数学和工程等交叉领域。
CMOS 2017持续征集专题组织者(在线申请:http://cn.mikecrm.com/82fr4bh)、接收报告人提交摘要(在线投递:http://cn.mikecrm.com/1olN3s6),如果您希望开展某一专题研讨或成为报告人,申请提交后我们会尽快与您取得联系。
此外,随着微电子领域热耗散问题越来越重要,本课题组同时也关注影响热耗散的微、纳尺度电子器件的界面热阻问题。另外太阳能海水淡化也是我们的关注热点之一。众所周知,水是人类生活的必需,因此,海水淡化作为人类目前获取水资源的一个重要途径,在许多领域变得非常重要。而将太阳能这种清洁可再生能源用于海水淡化无疑是十分可取的。 <报告简介>
Wave effects of phonons can give rise to controllability of heat conduction in nanostructures beyond that by particle scattering at surfaces and interfaces. We propose a new class of three-dimensional nanostructures: a silicon-nanowire-cage (SiNWC) structure consisting of silicon nanowires (SiNWs) connected by nano-cross-junctions, and find an ultralow value of thermal conductivity of SiNWC, 0.173Wm−1 K−1,which is one order lower than that of SiNWs. By further modal analysis and atomistic Green's function calculations, we identify that the large reduction is due to significant phonon localization induced by the phonon local resonance and hybridization at the junction part in a wide range of phonon modes. This localization effect does not require the cage to be periodic, unlike the phononic crystals, and can be realized in structures that are easier to synthesize, for instance in a form of randomly oriented SiNW network. Different from previous studies on divergence/non-diffusive of thermal conductivity in nano-structures with different size, we found a novel non-homogeneous (graded) thermal conductivity along the radius direction in a single disk structure. We found that, instead of a constant value, the grapheme disk and carbon nanocone has a graded thermal conductivity along the radius direction. That is, Fourier’s law of heat conduction is not valid in two dimensional graphene disk structures。What is more interesting, the graded effect is not diminished when the interatomic force constant is weakened and mean free path is shorten. That is, besides nanoscale, the graded effect can be observed in macroscale graphene or CNC structures.
马登科 报告PPT-CMOS 2017 专题一:微纳米尺度传热(第1704期).pdf
(5.24 MB, 下载次数: 402)
马登科 代表作论文-CMOS 2017 专题一:微纳米尺度传热(第1704期).zip
(9.17 MB, 下载次数: 428)
本次报告相关文章-CMOS 2017 专题一:微纳米尺度传热(第1704期).zip
(9.82 MB, 下载次数: 391)
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