本帖最后由 黄昏xiao 于 2012-5-28 13:18 编辑
司华艳 个人基本情况: 性别:女 职称:讲师 出生年月:1980.2 籍贯:河北景县
最高学位:理学博士 毕业时间:2009. 6 联系电话:0311-87939458 (O) 15830129587 教育情况: 2000.9-2004.6 河北师范大学 化学教育专业 本科; 2004.9-2009.6 兰州大学 有机化学专业 博士; 科研、工作经历: 2009.9-2012.6 新加坡国立大学 材料科学与工程 博士后 2012.6-至今 石家庄铁道大学材料学院 研究领域介绍: 2004年开始一直系统从事新功能材料(量子点、纳米管、有机半导体材料等)的制备、表征及其在光电、传感器、生物等领域应用的研究。目前主要研究领域新功能材料的制备及其在光电方面的应用。截止项目申请时已在国际较有影响的期刊上发表项目相关论文10余篇,他引60余次,其中,论文Photoelectrochemicalresponse from CdSe-sensitized anodic oxidation TiO2 nanotubes研究成果被美国材料领域著名科学家Craig A. Grimes的TiO2 NanotubeArrays: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications书收录,论文Highly OrderedFluorescent Rings by “Breath Figures”on PatternedSubstrates Using Polymer-free CdSe Quantum Dots. 承担科研项目: 参与河北省自然科学基金项目: E2012210013 (排名第二,主研人) 主持石家庄铁道大学科研预研项目:“一种柔性二氧化钛管薄膜的制备方法”。 论文成果列表: Hua-Yan Si*Du Yuan, Hao-Li Zhang, Jing-sheng Chen, Gan-Moog Chow, Room Temperature Synthesis of size-tunable monodispersed PbSNanocrystals,RSC Advances, 1(2011), 817–822. Hua-Yan Si,Zhen-Hong Sun, Hao-Li Zhang, Photoelectrochemicalresponse from CdSe-sensitized anodic oxidation TiO2 nanotubes. Colloids andSurfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 313-314 (2008) 604-607. Hua-YanSi, Cai-Hong Liu, Hao-Li Zhang, Shell-ControlledPhotoluminescence in CdSe/CNT Nanohybrids. Nanoscale Res Lett, 4 (2009) 1146–1152. Hua-Yan Si, Zhen-Hong Sun,Xu Kang, Wei-Wei Zi, Hao-Li Zhang, Voltage-DependentMorphology, Wettability and Photocurrent Response of Anodic Porous Titaniumdioxide Films. Microporous &Mesoporous Material, 119 (2009) 75–81. Li Zhang, Hua-Yan Si, Hao-Li Zhang, Highly Ordered Fluorescent Rings by “Breath Figures” on PatternedSubstrates Using Polymer-free CdSe Quantum Dots. Journal ofMaterials Chemistry, 18 (2008) 2660-2665. Hua-Yan Si* Du Yuan, Hao-Li Zhang, Jing-sheng Chen,Gan-Moog Chow, Facile Patterning ofPeriodic Arrays of Upconversion NaYF4 nanoparticles, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,353 (2011) 569–573. Hua-Yan Si*Jing-sheng Chen, Gan-Moog Chow, A SimpleMethod to Prepare Highly Orederd PS-b-P4VP Block Copolymer Template, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemicaland Engineering Aspects, 373 (2011) 82–87. Hua-Yan Si,Dong-Peng Li, Hao-Li Zhang, Yu-Yuan Zhao, Fang-Yuan Ren, Improving the Anti-Tumor Effect of Genistein with a BiocompatibleSuperparamagnetic Drug Delivery System J.nanoscienceand nanotechnology, 10 (2010) 2325-2331. LiZhang, Hua-Yan Si, Hua Xu,Hao-Li Zhang, Highly Ordered Micro-arraysof CdSe Quantum Dots on Chemically Patterned Substrates. International Journal of Nanoscience, 8(2009), 119. |