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infinite repeating
2012-10-15 23:33 回复|
a sense of laziness
2012-6-17 00:57 回复|
to start a goal
2012-5-28 16:58 回复|
a food makes a good day
2012-5-4 23:48 回复|
shit the weather
2012-4-27 23:08 回复|
2012-4-17 17:56 回复|
to be what you want to be
2012-4-2 23:10 回复|
2012-3-31 19:09 回复|
2012-3-17 23:10 回复|
nothing is good ,noting is too bad
2012-1-8 10:05 回复|
today i get up early,it is a new start.
2012-1-7 08:39 回复|
a great day i think
2011-12-22 22:29 回复|
i do not want to say ,test
2011-12-8 14:54 回复|
go for it
2011-12-6 23:56 回复|
i think i gey my way back
2011-11-21 00:05 回复|
long time no see
2011-11-14 22:46 回复|
sosoososos sleepoyyy
2011-11-7 18:06 回复|
stay up last night,sleepy
2011-11-6 23:26 回复|
i came ,i see ,i conquer
2011-11-5 02:30 回复|
a really full day
2011-11-4 17:46 回复|
小黑屋|材料人论坛 | 京ICP备16046932号-2/京公网安备11010802029412
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