美国加州大学默塞德分校材料科学系Jennifer Lu教授计划招收若干名有意攻读博士学位的
Prof. Lu实验室主要研究:1,纳米碳材料的制备,结构优化,及在锂电池、超级电容器、
燃料电池、太阳能电池等能源方面的应用;2,近红外响应的高分子材料。截至目前,Prof. Lu已经在Nature, ACS Nano, Advanced Materials, JACS, Nanotechnology, JPCC, Nano Letter等材料、化学领域顶级期刊发表论文数十篇。2013年10月Prof. Lu在Nature发表一篇论文,并被登到学校主页。
Job opening students.pdf
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欢迎有兴趣同学尽快发送CV, research experience到Jennifer Lu教授邮箱:jennifer.lu(at)ucmerced.edu,12月份加州大学申请系统将会截止。
Graduate Student Positions
There are immediate openings for graduate student researchers in Dr.
Jennifer Lu’s lab. We are looking for proactive and self-motivated PhD students
to join our exciting research team at the forefront of hybrid materials through
rational amalgamation of two or more functional components such as combining
smart polymers with carbon allotropes. Immediate openings are available on
projects focusing on (i) carbon-based hierarchical structure design and
synthesis for energy storage and conversion and (ii) near infrared responsive
polymer hybrids. Students with bachelor or master degrees in Physics, Chemistry,
Material Science and Engineering are preferred. Hands-on experience in synthesis
and/or physical and electrical characterization is a plus.