Small刊发了清华大学李景虹课题组撰写的题为Graphene and Graphene-like Layered Transition Metal Dichalcogenides in Energy Conversion and Storage的综述,介绍了石墨烯以及类石墨烯层状过渡金属硫属化合物在能源转换和存储中的应用,涉及锂电池、超级电容器、电催化、光催化等诸多领域的最新研究进展。
Being confronted with the energy crisis and environmental problems, the exploration of clean and renewable energy materials as well as their devices are urgently demanded. Two-dimensional (2D) atomically-thick materials, graphene and grpahene-like layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), have showed vast potential as novel energy materials due to their unique physicochemical properties. In this review, we outline the typical application of graphene and grpahene-like TMDs in energy conversion and storage fields, and hope to promote the development of 2D TMDs in this field through the analysis and comparisons with the relatively natural graphene. First, a brief introduction of electronic structures and basic properties of graphene and TMDs are presented. Then, we summarize the exciting progress of these materials made in both energy conversion and storage field including solar cells, electrocatalysis, supercapacitors and lithium ions batteries. Finally, the prospects and further developments in these exciting fields of graphene and graphene-like TMDs materials are also suggested.
Graphene and Graphene-like Layered Transition Metal Dichalcogenides in Energy Conversion and Storage.jpg |